Is astrology science?

Chart showing what zodiac sign is visible during different times of the year. NPR

Whether you try to avoid it or not, Zodiac signs are commonly known and talked about anywhere from newspapers to social media. We know they are based on the position of the Zodiac constellations in the sky relative to the sun during the time of year someone is born, but do they have any more scientific validity?

So what makes you a Gemini, Libra, or Virgo? It is the constellation behind the sun at the time of birth. For example, on May 27th, the sun is between Earth and the Gemini constellation, making anyone born on that day a Gemini. This positioning is due to Earth’s orbit around the sun. Although the constellations may appear to be rising and setting in the sky, they also appear to be “traveling” with the sun. Therefore, from May 21 to June 21, the sun will “travel” alongside Gemini.

This all seems pretty scientific, right? I mean, we have to understand the stars, Earth’s orbit, rotation, and positioning relative to the sun. But that is about as scientific as it gets. In an article from the University of California Berkley, “Astrology: Is it scientific?” they go through a checklist of what makes a concept scientific, and Astrology barely fits the bill. Astrology does nothing to really explain the natural world, rather it uses heavenly bodies to explain why people develop the traits they do. Sure, the stars, moon, and planets have a lot to do with certain properties of Earth, but it is not entirely clear how those could apply to humans as well. Maybe there is some more science to it, but if there is, we have yet to prove it.

So, Zodiac signs and horoscopes might be fun to read about, but be sure to remember they are hard to prove, so we cannot believe everything they say.

One thought on “Is astrology science?

  1. I have always been very close to my mom and sister, and they both care a lot about astrology. I would be lying if I said that I believed that the constellation behind the sun at the time of my birth impacts my personality in some way, however I do believe that astrology can be impactful. For instance, if a horoscope tells someone if they go outside of their comfort zone then they will have a good day, I feel like that person will be inspired and more inclined to go out of their comfort zone. It’s self fulfilling, almost placebo, but I do think that astrology can have positive impacts on people as long as there is no fear/negativity attached to it. In addition, while I am not religious, I do think that the entire universe is connected in some way and that every human being is a part of that giant connection. Just because we can’t scientifically prove astrology’s impact doesn’t mean that us, the stars, and the universe aren’t connected in some way far beyond our scientific understanding. In this sense, astrology is a cool concept to me and I appreciate the fact that it can have a positive impact regardless of concrete scientific backing.


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